Breaking down my barriers
My father was a manic depressive and as a result an alcoholic.
My mum was quiet, my dad was quite controlling and jealous, so she spent a lot of time alone and looking back I can see she was in pain. Heading off to bed with a migraine a lot.
My brother , 14 years older than me was all grown up and married at 19
My sister, 10 years older than me, has panic attacks, is agoraphobic.
Which leaves me..the adored baby.
I used to joke as a teen that if I got therapy they wouldn't know what to do with me. But that was so wrong.
Yes I was a sassy teenager, I moved out & in with a guy 6 years old than me at age 16 and I did a lot of growing up then.
But overall my life and my out look at life was pretty balanced overall.
Several boyfriends later and 2 devastating break-ups that left me looking for new places to live, I found the love of my life, Ian
He was (and is) the total package of love..but I didn't meet him until I was 29, so hey I had a long time looking.
I have always loved reading and when I was about 16, I found personal development books and started learning how I could control my future, how I can manifest my life and be in control of my happiness.
Unfortunately, although I mastered so many great skills, I never truly used them to their full potential. You see reading books and going on courses doesn't mend you ... it takes you digging down, taking some action and moving the goals of your life on and on.
I compromised so much, I took the easy way (although it may not have seemed it at the time)
A corporate job, the tiny house, debt and sadly no children.
All my choices, All my non action
All my subconscious decisions (or lack of decisions!)
My turning point was reading a couple of noteworthy books
that finally made me think and decide I was ready to move forward
.........and so came my Breathwork Journey
About me
I am an accountant, working many years for a local authority. (I do still love a good spreadsheet)
We love walking on the beach, which is only 5 minutes from the house
Reading, cooking and listening to music
My passion is learning and growing.
I love meeting and chatting to amazing people and hearing their stories.
On my dream list ?
Plus about 100 more places to go, food to try, things to have and own
What's on your list ?